april 25, 2009 11:07am
notion lives in notion is a notion is reverse of john lives in manchester john lives in england john is a person sophie is a person machester is a city coventry is a city people is plural of person cities is plural of city lives is plural of live is plural of is reverse of is singular of that is a pronoun who is a pronoun who describes a person list people that live in cities Processing features: look ahead, predictive search, joining of unknown terms, flattening sequences of notions based on predictive search, storing triples command: notion(lives, in) command: notion(is, a) command: notion(is, reverse, of) [john]:unknown, lives (lives in?), [lives in]:notion, [manchester]:unknown Normalize([john]:notion, [lives in]:notion, [manchester]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(john, lives in, manchester) [john]:notion, is (is a?), [is a]:notion, [person]:unknown Normalize([john]:notion, [is a]:notion, [person]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(john, is a, person) [manchester]:notion, is (is a?), [is a]:notion, [city]:unknown Normalize([manchester]:notion, [is a]:notion, [city]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(manchester, is a, city) [people]:unknown, is (is a?) [is]:unknown, [plural]:unknown, [of]:unknown, [person]:notion Normalize([people]:notion, [is plural of]:notion, [person]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(people, is plural of, person) [cities]:unknown, is (is a?, is plural of?) [is plural of]:notion, [city]:notion Normalize([cities]:notion, [is plural of]:notion, [city]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(cities, is plural of, city) lives (lives in?) [lives]:unknown, is (is a?, is plural of?) [is plural of]:notion, [live]:unknown Normalize([lives]:notion, [is plural of]:notion, [live]:notion) is (is a? is plural of?) [is plural of]:notion, is (is a?, is plural?, is reverse of?) [is reverse of]:notion, is (is a?, is plural?, is reverse of?) [is]:unknown, [singular]:unknown, [of]:unknown) Normalize([is plural of]:notion, [is reverse of]:notion, [is singular of]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(is plural of, is reverse of, is singular of) [that]:unknown, is (is a?) [is a]:notion, [pronoun]:unknown Normalize([that]:notion, [is a]:notion, [pronoun]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(that, is a, pronoun) [who]:unknown, is (is a?) [is a]:notion, [pronoun]:notion Normalize([who]:notion, [is a]:notion, [pronoun]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(who, is a, pronoun) [who]:notion, [describes]:unknown, [a]:unknown, [person]:notion Normalize([who]:notion, [describes a]:notion, [person]:notion) (Length == 3) triple(who, describes a, person) command: list([people that live in cities]:string) [people]:notion people -> is plural of -> person john -> is a -> person (X) [that]:notion that -> is a -> pronoun who -> is a -> pronoun (X) [live]:notion live <- is plural <- lives [in]:unknown in ? no result live (lives?) (lives in?) [live in]:notion john <- lives in <- manchester [cities]:notion cities -> is plural of -> city list(is a, people) 0 results list(is a, person) john <- is a <- person sophie <- is a <- person list(is a, that) 0 results /* troublesome: list(is a, pronoun) that <- is a <- pronoun who <- is a <- pronoun */ list(is a, cities) 0 results list(is a, city) manchester <- is a <- city coventry <- is a <- city list(lives in) john <- lives in <- manchester john <- lives in <- england match(john, manchester, john <- lives in <- manchester) (TRUE) match(sophie, manchester, ?) match(john, coventry, ?) match(sophie, coventry, ?)
Posted By: Markavian
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